- Find Products For Your Hair Type – Determining your specific hair type is crucial to finding out the right products for your hair type. How exactly do you find that out? In the curly world, hair is typed into 4 categories broken down into subcategories, type 2 {Wavy 1-4}, types 3 {Curly 1-4} and types 4 {Coily 1-4}. Certain products that would work for Wavy hair will not work for Coily hair and vice versa. Additionally, what I find to be even more important is to know your hair porosity. Porosity speaks to the amount of water your hair absorbs. Low porosity hair repels water and high porosity lets too much water in. As someone with low porosity hair, I know that my hair hates protein and therefore I try not to use products with protein, I always reach for leave-ins, moisturizing masks and make sure to deep condition with heat.
- Deep Condition – My hair is super thick and craves moisture therefore on wash days I try to incorporate a deep conditioner or mask. This simple step has completely transformed my curls from dry and brittle to soft and moist. Due to the nature of my hair, I am able to deep condition more than most people, therefore ensure that you know how much moisture is acceptable for your hair type.
- Trim Regularly – Health over length is something I have to constantly remind myself when I’m due to see my hair stylist. Trimming dead ends is necessary for hair to flourish and grow. If you are experiencing dry, dull hair, tangled split ends, it’s time for you to make that call. Typically I try to get trim my ends every three months or I listen and observe how my hair behaves.
- Wrap It Up – My night time routine is simple, pineapple and wrap it up. If you are not sleeping on silk pillowcases and sheets or wrapping your hair at night, you’re a hot mess and you need to stop it right now. Preserve your curls and moisture and prevent hair breakage by wrapping your hair at night with a silk or satin wrap.
- Say No To Heat – I haven’t used heat in my hair in more than four years and my hair thanks me every single day and it is healthier than it has ever been. I do miss a good Brazilian blow out when I want a change but I’m still not ready! When done right, heat is a beautiful thing. However, if it’s not applied correctly, heat damage can change the texture of your curls and cause considerable long term damage.
- Embrace The Frizz – Every curl girls dreaded five letter word, f-r-i-z-z! I used to hate frizz, especially living in such a humid climate, it’s unavoidable, but you have to let go of curl perfection and embrace the good and the bad.