Hi, my name is Sherice, and I’m a thirty-something skincare addict! 🙂 I admit it, I spend tons of money and time testing out new products and treatments. My thirties have ushered in a greater urgency to protect the biggest organ in my body because truthfully, our bodies are changing whether we like it or not!
I would be doing myself a disservice if I took my poor skin care habits into my twenties; I can’t splash water over my face and walk out the door, I can’t hop into bed without washing my makeup off and I can’t use any $5 drug store cleanser. As you leave your twenties, or if you’re currently enjoying your thirties, you have to be intentional and set the foundation for your skin’s future.
I’ve completely revamped my skin routine through lots of money and trial and error and incorporated these seven skin care tips I wish I practised in my twenties!
- Know Your Skin Type – Skin is classified into four major groups – normal, oily, combination and dry. In order to care for your skin properly with the right products and treatments, you should first seek to find out which of these four groups you fall into. Normal skin is skin that is perfectly balanced, it’s not too oily, not too dry. Oily skin, (raises hand) is skin that produces excessive amounts of sebum. Dry skin doesn’t produce enough sebum to provide moisture for the skin and combination skin is a combination of skin types, oily, dry and normal. If you are unsure of your skin type, you can pay a visit to your local esthetician or dermatologist!
- Double Cleanse – While experimenting with the Korean Beauty Routine last year, I learned about the double cleanse! Whew, I’m hooked. Double cleanse as its name suggests is the process of cleansing your face twice, once with an oil-based cleanser which helps to remove makeup, dirt, oil and other impurities followed by a water-based cleanser to ensure nothing is left behind. As someone with oily skin, I wasn’t sold on using oil on my skin, but it works and it works well! My face feels and looks cleaner than its ever been and I owe it all to double cleansing.
- Pamper Yourself With Regular Facials – My monthly facial sessions have been an essential component of my skincare routine. Facials help to get deep into your pores and remove dirt, oil, bacteria and other impurities that could otherwise not be reached. They help to remove dead, dull skin to help aid in the absorption of products and give you healthy glowing skin! As someone who struggles with oily skin and mild acne, my facials are non-negotiables as they help to treat these skin issues. There’s a facial to treat and safeguard against just about every skin disorder. Not only are facials great for the skin, but it’s a great way to exercise self-care.
- Don’t Skip Your Moisturizer + Sunscreen – Moisturizer? What’s that! In my early 20s, the only form of moisturizing and sunscreen my skin saw was a lather of lotion! I’m almost embarrassed to even say this, but I just didn’t know I needed a face moisturizer, neither did I know I needed to wear sunscreen. The ignorance was real. Let’s just get this straight, lotion is not an appropriate facial moisturizer. Moisturizers help to keep the skin hydrated and protect against dryness, premature ageing and so much more. Protip: I always choose a moisturiser with SPF to protect my skin from the sun. Yes, you need sunscreen at every age, even if you’re black! Protect your skin from damage, sun spots, wrinkles and skin cancer! Also, ensure that you choose the right moisturizer for your skin type!
- Drink More Water – The jury is still divided on this one, but personally, I will say that drinking the daily recommended intake of water has improved the look of not only my skin but my hair and nails. My esthetician can always tell when I’ve been skipping out on my cups just by looking at my dehydrated skin. My daily goal is to drink a half gallon of water every day. Do I always do it, no, I don’t! But I do ensure that I drink more water than anything else. I know that a lot of people just don’t like water but it’s essential to your health. If you’re one of those people, try making flavoured water, add a bit of lime or mint leaves or even a few slices of watermelon to your water.
- Buy Quality Products – Do you remember strolling the beauty aisles of your favourite stores and picking up whatever skincare products were “in”? Me too, me too. In my 20s, I wasn’t overly concerned with purchasing quality products because I didn’t think I needed them. Truth be told, a lot of products that I used back then, I wouldn’t dare use now because they left my face dry, wasn’t formulated for my skin type and had harsh chemicals. Now, I do tons of research and pay close attention to what I put on my face and the ingredients contained in those products. I opt for more natural products that lack harmful and toxic chemicals and irritants.
- Watch Your Diet – The foods that you eat can play a major role in your skin. In the past few years, I’ve had to cut out a lot of foods from my diet like dairy and red meat because my skin would become inflamed and breakout. Having a good skin care routine is half the battle, you have to eat well and take care of your body. Ensure that you have a balanced diet filled with antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and oils.
I know it’s a lot to take in but trust me, taking care of your skin is worth it! I still struggle some months with hormonal breakouts but I’m more comfortable in my skin than I’ve ever been! Taking care of my skin has given me the confidence needed to step outside and leave the makeup at home.
I’ve never heard of the double clean before. I get facials roughly every three months just because I forget to arrange a monthly appointment. It’s been hard finding skin products because our skin is different from white people but I use a soy based soup from the organic store in Palmdale and I like it. I wish I remembered to use my toner more often.
IF you’re not double cleansing, start ASAP! It’s really needed because water based cleansers simply don’t get the job done, especially if you live in a humid climate like ours AND you wear makeup and have oily skin. After double cleansing my skin already feels clean. Also, do you have problematic skin? I’ve been doing a lot of personal research just because I feel we know our skin best and what works for others may not necessarily work for you. I am trying to incorporate more green and organic products because I do think all of the harsh chemicals are damaging to our skin. BUT, a routine and sticking to it is a must! Thanks for reading doll!
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