It was just yesterday we were celebrating the start of a New Year, and here we are, about to celebrate Christmas and then the end of 2018. The old adage rings true, time flies! 2018 was a year filled with so many low points but also beautiful moments and lifetime memories. I learned so much about myself this year, travelled to places I only dreamt about and grew closer to the people around me, I’d say this year was close to perfect.
Next year, the bar is set extremely high, there’s so much more I want to achieve, but first, I want to linger in the memories. Here are three major things I was able to accomplish this year!
- I Paid Off My Student Loan – If you’ve been following me for a while, you would know that I was indebted to the student loan gods. One of my primary goals since graduating college a lifetime ago was to financially free myself from this debt. This year I was able to achieve this massive goal, and it is probably by far one of the most meaningful achievements. I was able to this with the grace of God, and by saving, sacrificing and having a great support system. It feels amazing to be free! {Read: I Paid Off My Student Loan }
- I Quit My Job – I’ve always dreamt of divorcing myself from my 9-5, but the timing was never right. I had grown so attached to my daily routine and had so much love for the people I worked around, this in itself made it one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make. Leaving the sure for the unsure was terrifying but in order to grow, I had to step out of the comfort of the familiar. I did it, yes I am still afraid, but I am extremely happy and looking forward to 2019! The year of “let’s get it”! {Read: I Quit My Job }
- I Travelled The World – Duh, Sherice! I know many of you are thinking, but, that’s every year and you’re right, but I am always grateful! Each and every year that I am able to travel around the world to new places and discover the unknown is a blessing and an honour. This year I was able to travel to three destinations, Amsterdam, Israel and Namibia. Each polar opposites from the other, but rich in interesting and new experiences. I loved the history, and religion of Israel, the vibes and nonchalance of Amsterdam and the vast beauty and hospitality of Namibia. I pray 2019 makes room for me to see even more of this big and beautiful world. {Read: Israel, Amsterdam, San Francisco }
Each day I’m allowed to walk this earth is a blessing. My goal for 2019 is to simply do more, be more, grow more and live more. 2018 was a year filled with many changes, I’m looking to transform even more into the person who I am meant to be and I encourage all of you to do the same. Reflect on your year; your highs, your lows and allow each moment to propel you even further than you could ever dream.
Let’s get it!
I’d love to hear some of your greatest moments of 2018.